.css-day {
  date: 'June 6 & 7';
  speakers: 14;  /* Single-track */
  venue: Zuiderkerk;  /* Amsterdam, NL */

Get your tickets


CSS Day 2024 is on Thursday 6th and Friday 7th of June. There are pre- and post-events as well.


On Wednesday 5th of June there will be a pre-meetup at university where Miriam Suzanne and Bramus Van Damme will speak. It starts at 16:00 and ends around 18:30. The meetup is free, but registration is required.


On 6th and 7th of June the conference will take place in the Zuiderkerk. We will create the schedule later, but the conference will run from 09:30 to 18:00 on each day.

Doors will open at 08:30. At the end of each day there will be drinks and bites at the venue until about 21:00.

Accessibility Club Summit

On Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th of June, the weekend after the conference, there will be an Accessiblity Club Summit, also at university. Saturday will be a barcamp and Sunday a workshop day. There is a Call for Presentations and Workshops, so if you're interested ...

“Learned a lot of new things at #cssday day 1, HTML. Useful things, nerdy things, horrid things. And met lots of awesome folks! Till morrow!” — Job